




atelier-AI  shop

Chair  Bali shop

Charis  hand-made craft and antique

DORI:MOON  musician

EHAL☆MARKET  accessory leather, used denim items

EIDAI   architect

GATTINA  Itarian used car

holon.  hair salon

Kuu ja Puu  Knitting wool and hemp designer

Mari Fujii-Pratt     artist

Plum‐Tree  Knitting wool designer

SANGO Design  architect

sii house  curry and furniture

Shabby Blue  shop

Smily Museum  cruftmans shop

ZAKKABOOK  magazine

44 CAFE  cafe

LAMA Coffee and space  cafe and gallery

omote coffee  cafe

さくら食堂  organic restaurant

三共石油ガス株式会社  eco  and workshop